Improving Temporal Antialiasing with Adaptive Ray Tracing


In this chapter, we discuss a pragmatic approach to real-time supersampling that extends commonly used temporal antialiasing techniques with adaptive ray tracing. The algorithm conforms to the constraints of a commercial game engine, removes blurring and ghosting artifacts associated with standard temporal antialiasing, and achieves quality approaching 16× supersampling of geometry, shading, and materials within the 16 ms frame budget required of most games.

Ray Tracing Gems, Chapter 22

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Ray Tracing Gems Book Cover


 author =    {Marrs, Adam and Spjut, Josef and Gruen, Holger and Sathe, Rahul and McGuire, Morgan},
 title =     {Improving Temporal Antialiasing with Adaptive Ray Tracing},
 booktitle = {Ray Tracing Gems},
 chapter =   {22},
 year =      {2019},
 isbn =      {978-1-4842-4427-2},
 pages =     {353-370},
 numpages =  {18},
 url =       {},
 doi =       {},
 publisher = {Apress},
 address =   {Berkeley, CA, USA},